
Public Transport in and around Blaxhall

Blaxhall is no longer served by any regular bus service.

Blaxhall is served by a community bus, please see here for more details.

The nearest train station is at Campsea Ashe (see the Maps section) which is about a 45 minute walk from the centre of the village. It is listed as Wickham Market on the timetables in spite of being some 3 miles from there! Greater Anglia run the service, and they have a website where tickets can be purchased/timetables searched.

For a comprehensive national timetable service the National Rail Enquiries site is very good. The traditional service north to Lowestoft and south to Ipswich, and although a direct service from Lowestoft to London had recently been mooted, there are concerns that those plans have now been mothballed.